Hey, Texas. Students need to learn about Helen Keller. Don’t remove her

I am Deaf-blind, and I almost missed my first lesson about Helen Keller. In second-grade U.S. history, my teacher scheduled Helen Keller’s story after a lesson in square-dancing. I remember my heart racing as I danced a do-si-do with my not-so-secret crush. So when our teacher told us about Keller, I was not-so-secretly distracted. But … Read more

I’m asking Texas to keep Helen Keller’s story in the K-12 curriculum

Last week the Texas State Board of Education took a step to remove Helen Keller from the K-12 social studies curriculum. The second largest state in the nation may soon stop teaching students about one of the most widely admired disability rights heroes. She is often the only disability rights advocate kids learn about. Kids … Read more