Libraries, Mental Health, & Accessibility with Mychal Threets

His brilliance, humor, and enchanting stories help people deepen their understanding of mental health. Mychal Threets @mychal3ts teaches how we can make libraries accessible for everyone, and sharing a stage with him at the White House was an absolute honor!

Descriptive Transcript

Mychal and Haben sit in chairs in an auditorium. Mychal types on a keyboard as he talks, and Haben reads from her Braille computer as he types.

Haben: And what did you find?

Mychal: I found some accessibility books, and some other resources to help out people who are disabled. I also found a display on mental health. Which is big in my life and I love to see that it is also recognized as a disability.

Haben: Yes! And the library is a great place to teach people about mental health, their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other civil rights laws. So that’s really exciting the library had a display like that.

Mychal: They did! It was so cool to see. Libraries are always trying to convince people that they are for every single person.

Haben: Yes, it takes some creativity, some funding, some determination, to make sure that every person gets access to the library. But we can make that happen.

Photo: Mychal stands beside Haben and they are both smiling. Mychal, with an eye-catching Afro and snazzy tie, does a thumbs-up. Haben signs ILY with one hand and holds Mylo’s leash with the other.

Haben (voiceover):

Video returns to Mychal and Haben talking in the auditorium. Mychal Threets is a literacy ambassador.

Haben (voiceover): He spreads library joy, and teaches people about mental health. In this video, we’re hanging out just before our panel at the White House Disability Pride Convening. He’s typing because I’m Deafblind and reading his words in Braille. He is a lot of fun to chat with and learn from! If you’re not following him already, definitely follow him on all the channels.