Trying Vegemite, The Famous Australian Spread

Trying Vegemite for the first time. A blend of vegetable extracts, B vitamins, and beer production leftovers, the spread packs a strong punch! Australians have eaten Vegemite for over a hundred years now. 

Descriptive Transcript

Seated at an outdoor cafe, Haben has a plate with toast covered in a dark brown paste.

Haben: When I arrived in Australia: several people have been asking, “Have you tried Vegemite?” So I’m finally going to try Vegemite! And we have toast here – sourdough toast with butter and Vegemite.

(She brings the toast close to her nose.) 

Haben: It smells kind of yeasty and salty.

(She takes a bite.)

Haben: That is fascinating! It kind of makes the butter more flavorful.

(She takes another bite.)

Haben: There’s a sour flavor to it too. So kind of several layers of flavors from sour to yeast and salt. I’m also feeling more awake! 

(She holds a hand up to her heart and laughs.) 

Haben: Something about the flavor, the salt and the yeast, feels like an energy boost. Probably also the butter interacting with it too. And also maybe just the flavors being very new. I’m glad I tried this!